Make the Police Your Allies

Make the Police Your Allies

Seek addiction help from law enforcement in Mercer County, NJ

Too often, those recovering from addiction are lost in the system. In 2017, the Robbinsville Township Police Department launched the CARE Program: Community Addiction Recovery Effort. Now, Mercer County Police Departments have partnered with this program to bring addiction help to residents of Mercer County, NJ.

If you're suffering from substance abuse, it's time to get the law on your side. Call 888-360-7788 now to learn more about police-supported addiction help services.

Police are making addiction recovery a little easier

Under the CARE program, if you're arrested while struggling with substance abuse, the police will offer an intervention. If you agree to get into an addiction recovery program in the Mercer County, NJ area, the officers will go to bat for you.

The CARE program:

Encourages early addiction recovery-get help before you get involved in serious criminal charges.
Helps with long-term rehabilitation-stop your misfortune from snowballing.
Puts the cops on your side-your arresting officers will act as your bridge to recovery support.

Thanks to the success of the CARE program, in two police stations you don't need to be arrested to be enrolled. Simply walk into the precinct, turn in your drugs, and Recovery Advocates of America will show up to help. Contact us today to learn where you can go to get help.